Category Archives: Professional Engineers Licensing
Ethical Thinking For Students, Engineers, And Other Professions
Schools need to be teaching children more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic. While these three skills are no doubt useful in everyday adult life, there’s a lot more that school kids need to know to succeed in today’s society and make the world a better place. One of these things is ethics. Teachers… Read More »
Ethics In An Engineering Workplace
When people think of unethical behavior in the professional engineering field, they may imagine engineers engaging in dishonesty and claiming that streets, bridges, and other structures are safe for use when they’re really not. They’re not keeping the health and safety of the public in mind. But unethical behavior can start before an object… Read More »
How Corporate Culture Drives Ethics
When it comes to doing the right thing, it’s not always easy. Some jobs place a priority over the safety of others, such as doctors, dentists, and even professional engineers. Morality, however, does not always play a role in a company’s bottom line. Indeed, the motto “profits over people” is often true. So when… Read More »
Ethical Obligations In The Engineering Field
In the civil engineering field, ethics is a hot topic. Every day, professional engineers must not only do their job to the best of their ability, but they must also consider ethics. There are standards when it comes to acceptable behavior. The safety of the public is the highest priority, so engineers need to… Read More »
NASA Presentation In Orlando Stresses Ethics, Leadership
When you think of space travel, astronauts are probably the first thing that comes to mind. But the truth is that many types of people are needed if we plan to live in space in the near future. This was the message during a 90-minute presentation from former astronauts, The free presentation took place… Read More »
Why Ethics Is Just As Important As Math In Engineering Field
Engineering has a huge impact on our lives, even though it is something we may not think about often. Your house, your roadways, your local grocery store, doctor’s office, and other places you frequent were all created by engineers. Engineering has such a huge impact on society that it involves ethical decision making on… Read More »
Focus On Safety Necessary For Civil Engineers
Safety is something that every workplace needs to focus on. In the civil engineering field, professional engineers must create projects that are both functional and safe. When they commit an unethical, unprofessional, or illegal act, they can face licensing issues. Because of this, experts believe that the civil engineering curriculum in United States colleges… Read More »
How Professional Engineers’ Decisions Saved New Orleans From Hurricane Ida
The United States has seen a lot of extreme weather issues this summer, from wildfires to tornadoes to hurricanes to droughts to floods. These events can cause a lot of damage and if buildings, bridges, and other infrastructures cannot defend themselves from the damage, they can become easily destroyed. That’s why we depend on… Read More »
Ethical Issues Involved In Surfside Condo Collapse
On June 24, people all over the country were shocked to hear of the Champlain Towers South suddenly collapsing. A portion of this 12-story condominium in Surfside, just outside Miami, collapsed, killing 97 people. Eleven others were injured. The most shocking part, however, was the fact that the collapse could have been prevented. Just… Read More »
Why Ethics Training Is Needed In STEM Classrooms
More and more schools are offering STEM education to help students gain the skills and knowledge they need to pursue 21st century careers. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics and the curriculum involves high levels of critical thinking. While professional engineers have the knowledge to build a bridge or manufacture an autonomous… Read More »