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Dentist’s License Suspended For Contamination Issues


Contamination is a significant concern in dentistry due to the potential transmission of infectious diseases between patients and dental healthcare workers. Because of this, state licensing boards have strict requirements in place regarding the prevention of contamination.

A dentist from North Carolina has had her license suspended for contamination issues. She has been accused of practicing unlawfully after the state board suspended her license for the second time in just over two years. The reasoning was that there were multiple violations involving cross-contamination and potential infection transmission.

There was concern because the dentist had gotten her license suspended for infection control and sterilization issues and continued to practice dentistry. The state board hopes that the public will quit using her as their dentist until it can get everything resolved.

On April 1, board investigators conducted an unannounced office inspection of the dentist office, located at Paradise Dental in Morehead City. During the inspection, investigators obtained evidence of numerous violations. That was when her license was suspended for a second time.

The board had already suspended her license in December 2021 due to similar issues pertaining to infection control and sterilization. In July 2022, the board entered a conditional reinstatement order and reinstated her license subject to several probationary requirements that lasted until July 2027. She was ordered to avoid breaking any board rules or regulations of the Dental Practice Act. She was also required to have inspections and visits to her office without prior notice.

Based on the evidence gathered in the most recent inspection, the board immediately ordered the dentist to cease the practice of dentistry in North Carolina. She was also ordered to surrender her license and current renewal certificate.

Contamination Controls 

Contamination is a major issue that needs to be controlled in dentistry. Here are some common issues to be aware of:

  • Dental instruments, such as probes, mirrors, and drills, can become contaminated with blood, saliva, and other bodily fluids during procedures. Proper sterilization and disinfection protocols must be followed.
  • Dental unit waterlines can harbor bacteria and other microorganisms, leading to potential contamination of dental unit water and aerosols generated during procedures.
  • Surface contamination. Surfaces in the dental office, such as countertops, chairs, and handles, can become contaminated with saliva, blood, and other fluids.
  • Infection control protocols. Dental practices must adhere to strict infection control protocols established by organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These protocols include hand hygiene, proper sterilization of instruments, and the use of barriers and disinfectants to prevent contamination.

Keep Your License With Help From a Tampa Dentistry License Lawyer

Dentists have a tough job to do. It’s not just checking teeth, but also making sure tools are sterilized and free of contamination, as bacteria can cause serious harm to patients.

Licensing issues can lead to suspension, fines, and even jail time. There’s a lot at stake. A Tampa dentistry license lawyer from The Law Offices of David P. Rankin, P.A. can help you address issues affecting the status of your license with the Board of Dentistry in the most efficient manner possible. Schedule a consultation today by filling out the online form or calling (813) 968-6633.

